Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

What is History?

History is the study of the past. But it is more than that. History is the recorded human story. It is past events, to be sure. But it is also past literature, art, economics, science. It is everything we have ever done as a people.  It is the summary of our "humanness."

We study history to not only learn about where we come from, but also where we are going. In order to better understand the world around us, history is needed. For example, when you see the Mona Lisa in an advertisement and understanding of history is essential to understanding that image.

Three things I would like to study:

1. The History of Renaissance art--I love art and the Renaissance was the best period
2. The Black Death--I am fascinated by disease and how its spreads
3. World War I--I've always been interested in World War I for the sheet brutality.